Sunday, November 25, 2007


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Sunday, November 4, 2007


I've often wondered
What I did without you in my life
For though I thought things
Couldn't get any better
And I needed nothing else
To make my life complete,
Little did I know what
A life-changing event you would herald.

I never knew you were always
Just a breath away
And one morning you took in
Your first gulp of air,
Let out a cry that rocked the world
And I looked into the face of my son.

What a joy you have been,
Every single year has brought its own marvels to me
As I've watched you grow, mature and eventually
Move out into the world to make your own way.
How thankful I am that you are in my life
And today I want you to know that with all my heart
I love you
For you are still just a breath away.

(c) Joyce A. Norman

Friday, October 19, 2007


I wonder how many times
I told you, "I love you," this morning?
I sat on the clothes hamper
And watched you as you shaved,
Making funny faces as you took
The razor to the hard-to-get-to spots.
I smiled when you ate your toast
Because little crumbs were sprinkled
Throughout your moustache.

How lucky I am that
You are in my life
And in my heart
And in my soul
And although I didn't say anything outloud
My spirit was yelling, "I love you"
As I followed you through the house.

You came near to kiss me goodbye
And whispered, "I love you" in my ear.
I had told my love at least a hunderd silent times
This morning and when you said, "I love you"
The second time, through the goose bumps
I merely said, "Me, too."


Thank you is not adequate anymore.
I appreciate you doesn't begin to relate.
I am so grateful to you
Sounds airless and lacking.

So, what do I do?
Words really have failed me.
So please accept my prayers
To God on your behalf
All throughout each day
For I never fail to hold you up
In everything you do.

So, count on me.
Depend on me
To surround you
With God's love
And mine.