Friday, October 19, 2007


I wonder how many times
I told you, "I love you," this morning?
I sat on the clothes hamper
And watched you as you shaved,
Making funny faces as you took
The razor to the hard-to-get-to spots.
I smiled when you ate your toast
Because little crumbs were sprinkled
Throughout your moustache.

How lucky I am that
You are in my life
And in my heart
And in my soul
And although I didn't say anything outloud
My spirit was yelling, "I love you"
As I followed you through the house.

You came near to kiss me goodbye
And whispered, "I love you" in my ear.
I had told my love at least a hunderd silent times
This morning and when you said, "I love you"
The second time, through the goose bumps
I merely said, "Me, too."


Thank you is not adequate anymore.
I appreciate you doesn't begin to relate.
I am so grateful to you
Sounds airless and lacking.

So, what do I do?
Words really have failed me.
So please accept my prayers
To God on your behalf
All throughout each day
For I never fail to hold you up
In everything you do.

So, count on me.
Depend on me
To surround you
With God's love
And mine.